Pick and Choose

As this website fosters more and more posts and forces us, Flame and I, to explore our limits regarding our “programming” finesse, I would like to quickly introduce to you a poetry bit I wrote roughly 3 months ago. I wanted to see what we can do with this website and their built-in features. (A great way to make a post and have some sort of trial and error aspect in it. I mean, can you really blame me if it didn’t work out in the end? Plausible deniability at its finest). This poem could be labeled as a “1-take poem”, I did not rewrite it nor did I plan it out at first. I sat down took a pen and just wrote something down. Poetry is often overworked and I believe that it kinda ruins the charm of it. (More about this in an upcoming blog, in which I will present different poems I wrote in 1 session.)

Enjoy this quick poem and decide for yourself which ending you would prefer. (If this isn’t the epitome of laziness…)

What hath night with sleep to do?
For a foolish love or a loving fool?
When death resembles night or day
When dreams portray love’s dismay

  • As doubt will find other ways
  • As love can’t take the pain away / shall I live another day?
  • Shall hope grant me another day?
  • Shall love grant me another day!

A rather simplistic poem mixed with some hidden literary gems. (A free coffee for the first person that can mention BOTH of the inspirations.) I tried to inspire myself through the opening stanzas and alternate the rhyme scheme with an internal rhyme and possible variations of the end rhyme. Whilst I wasn’t sure how I should end the poem I intended to leave it open with more than one possible ending. UP to you to choose it… I certainly won’t spend more time on this piece.

PS: This website doesn’t take any programming finesse… It is literally drag and drop. You really think that literature students know anything about programming? I intended to have a plugin that let you pick and choose which ending you would prefer and then gather the data… but unfortunately, I need to pay even more for this and I wouldn’t see the immediate benefit. Well here is to the future. Cheers.

PSS: In order to shape the future, you have to imagine it. ~Flame

4 thoughts on “Pick and Choose

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  1. I got so excited about this and thought I could not see the special features because I was reading it on my phone xD


    1. I would have loved to have a cool built in voting feature but our version of the website does not allow it :/ maybe when we upgrade we can opt into those things.
      never the less thanks for the comment

      Liked by 1 person

      1. It’s alright, life is full of disappointments x) the arts always have to make do on low budget haha but defy the odds and keep up the good work!


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